To get an idea of what is going to be in the next SCCM CB, it is a good idea to setup a SCCM TP lab. You can do that in Azure and here is how. This is a quick and dirty SCCM TP lab just to get an idea what new features might be in the next release.
So I have not created any client for deployment. If you want a bigger lab, then you can see this article:
1. Create a SQL Server 2016 SP1 Enterprise on Windows Server 2016 called CM01. It is up to you how you spec it. I have just chosen the cheapest one.
a. Click on “+”
- b. Click on “Compute”
c. Choose “SQL Server 2016 SP1 Enterprise on Windows Server 2016”
d. Deployment model: Resource Manager
e. Name: CM01
f. VM disk type: SSD
g. Type in username and password
h. Resource group: SCCM
i. Type in a location
j. Click “Ok”
k. Choose a size. I have chosen a “DS2_V2 Standard” and click “select”
l. Click ok on the settings page
m. Click ok on the SQL Server settings
n. Click “Ok” on the summery
2. Logon to the server
3. Open “Server Manager” and click “Add Roles and Features”
Mark “Active Directory Domain Services” and click “Next”
Mark “Restart the destination server automatically if required” and click “Install”
Click “Promote this server for Active Directory Domain”
Type you domain name and click Next
Type a password and click Next
Start “ADSI Edit” from the Administrative Tools
Right click on “ADSI” and click “Connect to…”
Right click on the System container and choose “new –> Object…”
Choose container and click Next.
Type “System Management” in the value box and click Next.
Right click “System Management” container and click “Properties”
Click on the security tab and click “Add”
Type in your servername and click “Ok”
Give the computer full control and click “Apply”, then “Advanced”
Mark your server and click “Edit”
Choose “This object and all descendant objects” and click “Ok” to all the open windows
36. Download and extract SCCM TP:
37. Navigate to \SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 in the installation media
38. Run extadsch.exe
39. Verify that the schema extension was successful by reviewing the extadsch.log located in the root folder of the system drive.
Open Server Manager, then navigate to Manage. Click Add Roles and Features to open the Add Roles and Features Wizard.
Review the information provided in the Before You Begin panel, then click Next.
Select Role-based or feature-based installation, then click Next.
Select your server from the Server Pool, then click Next.
Review the Server Roles panel, then click Next.
45. Add the following Features by selecting them from the list:
– NET Framework 4.6 Features
On your site server, open Server Manager. Navigate to Manage. Click Add Roles and Features to open the Add Roles and Features Wizard.
Review the information provided in the Before You Begin panel, then click Next.
Select Role-based or feature-based installation, then click Next.
Select your server from the Server Pool, then click Next.
Add the following Server Roles by selecting them from the list:
53. Web Server (IIS)
– Common HTTP Feature
— Default Document
— Directory Browsing
— HTTP Errors
— Static Content
— HTTP Redirection
– Health and Diagnostics
—HTTP Loggin
— Logging Tools
— Request Monitor
— Tracing
– Performance
— Static Content Compression
— Dynamic Content Compression
– Security
— Request Filtering
— Basic Authentication
— Client Certificate Mapping Authentication
—IP and Domain Restrictions
— URL Authorization
—Windows Authorization
– Application Development
— .NET Extensibility 3.5
— .NET Extensibility 4.6
— ASP.NET 3.5
— ASP.NET 4.6
— ISAPI Extensions
— ISAPI Filters
— Server Side Includes
– FTP Server
— FTP Service
– Management Tools
— IIS Management Console
— IIS 6 Management Compatibility
— IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
— IIS 6 Management Console
— IIS 6 Scripting Tools
— IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
— IIS 6 Management Scripts and Tools
— Management Service
54. Add the following Features by selecting them from the list:
– Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)
— IIS Server Extension
– Remote Server Administration Tools
— Feature Administration Tools
— BITS Server Extensions Tools
– Remote Differential Compression
Click Install and verify that the installation completed properly in the Notifications pane of Server Manager.
57. Configure IIS filtering on distribution points:
Open IIS Manager and select the name of your server in the sidebar. This will take you to the Home screen.
Verify that Features View is selected at the bottom of the Home screen. Navigate to IIS and open Request Filtering.
In the Actions pane, click Allow File Name Extension…
Type .msi into the dialog box and click OK.
Start “Services” and open “SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)”
59. Click “Log on” and choose “Local System account”. Click ok and restart the service.
60. Download windows ADK and run it:
Mark the above and click “Install”
66. On your site server, open Server Manager. Navigate to Manage. Click Add Roles and Features to open the Add Roles and Features Wizard.
Mark “WSUS Service” and “SQL Server Connectivity”. Click “Next”
Type the location where you want to sote the WSUS updates and Click “Next”
Type your server name and click “Check connection” and click next.
Start the SCCm TP installation and click “Install”
Accept the License terms and Click “Next”
Choose where to save the SCCM pre req files and Click “Next”
Type a site code, site name and where you want to install SCCM. Click “Next”
Choose “Configure the communication method on each system role” and Click “Next”
When the installation is finished then reboot the server and you are all done. The TP install build is right now 1610. So you can do a in place upgrade to 1701.