I’m having a mix of difference zigbee devices on my Deconz zigbee gateway. A downside with that config, is that your zigbee device doesn’t get updated with new firmware. But you can actually update Ikea devices from deconz. Hue is not possible, as far as I know, because Hue is using encrypted firmware. I currently investigation if it is possible to update Lidl devices. But at this time I don’t know if that is possible. This guide is for you that have Deconz running on a Raspberry Pi.
Let get started with the guide.
Some usefull links:
Ikea firmware download
Ikea firmware release notes
Deconz Ikea download script
Enable OTA
Start by enabling OTA updates. This is done in the “Wireless light control” web interface. NOT the normal Deconz web interface. The url is:
User: delight
Click Menu -> Settings
Click Show Advanced Settings
Go to the Advanced Network Setting section. Enable OTAU Server and click Apply.
Go to Menu -> Logout.
Download Ikea firmware.
You need a VNC viewer to connect to your Raspberry PI. I use realVNC witch is free. But you can use one of your own choice.
Open VNC and enter the Deconz IP address and connect. In Realvnc you have the option to save the connection.
Click Continue to the Identity Check.
Enter username and password and click OK
Username: pi
Minimize Deconz
Right click on the desktop -> New File
Call it ex. “Ikea_Download_Firmware.txt” -> Click O.K.
Open the browser -> go to this this url:
Click Raw
Mark the txt -> copy it.
Open “Ikea_Download_Firmware.txt” located on the desktop.
Paste the text that you have copied from the web page into the “Ikea_Download_Firmware.txt” -> Save the file.
Rename the file to .py instead of .txt: “Ikea_Download_Firmware.py” -> Click O.K.
Open “terminal”
Type “cd Desktop” -> Enter. Linux is case sensitive, so make sure the you have a capital D in Desktop.
Type “python Ikea_Download_Firmware.py” -> Enter. Linux is case sensitive, so make sure the you have a capital D in Desktop.
All Ikea firmware update is now download. They are save in the OTAU folder under the profile. Don’t change this path or folder name!
Updating Ikea devices
Close “Deconz”
Start “Deconz” again
Enable the “STD OTAU Plugin” plugin.
You can see that “OTAU enabled” is checked.
Click on a Ikea light in the right handside -> Click Query in the left handsite. Deconz til now get information about the light.
If a firmware is newer (We download these in an earlier step), than the one that the device is using. Then Deconz will automatically start the upgrade process. You don’t have to choose anything. Deconz will handle that for you. After you hit Query, then all the information will also be added to Deconz. In Version you can see the current version and in Time you can see how long the update have been running. It will take between 15-20 minutes to upgrade a light bulb. After the upgrade the light bulb will reboot. So if you light is on, then it will turn off and then on again after some seconds.
That it. Please remember that once in a while you have to run the script again to get new firmware updates if Ikea have published them. Maybe you should set up a scheduled task that run every month or so.
Happy updating 🙂