This is part 3 of the modern management series. In this article we will prepare and enroll a pc.
Assign pc to tenant
To add a Windows pc to Intune we have to assign it to our tenant. There are serval ways to do that. I will show you how to do it with a PowerShell script directly on the Pc.
When you boot up a new pc into Windows 11, you will see the setup Gui below.
Press “Shift + F10” to open a command prompt | |
Type “powershell.exe” -> Press Enter | |
Type “Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned” -> Press Enter | |
Type “Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -force” -> Press Enter | |
Type “Y” -> Press Enter | |
Type “Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -GroupTag “Office” -Online -Assign” -> Press Enter | |
Sigin with your microsoft account | |
Enter your Password | |
If it is the first time you add a device to intune, it requires that you login with a “Global Administrstor”. Because you will have to consent an enterprise app in AzureAD. The permissions stay. Any subsequent logins won’t be prompted for consent. | |
It will take some time to registrere it. So be patient. When it is done it will look like this. | |
Type “ShutDown /r /t 0” -> Press Enter This will reboot the pc and boot up to sign in and start the enrollment. | |
In Intune portal click: Devices -> Windows -> Windows Enrollment -> Devices | |
You should now see that the pc has been added to Intune. Group tag “Office” and the profile assigned |
When you boot up the pc after it has been added to the tenant or windows is reinstalled on a pc that is already in the tenant, the enrollment process will start.
Choose your contry -> Click Yes | |
Windows will check for updates and reboot if any. | |
Enter your email -> Click Next | |
ENter your password -> Click Sign in | |
Preparing the device | |
Setting up the device | |
Configuring the account | |
Click OK | |
Enter a PIN | |
Click OK |
Continue to part 4 (Basic settings)