This is part 3 of the modern management series. In this article we will prepare and enroll a pc.

Assign pc to tenant

To add a Windows pc to Intune we have to assign it to our tenant. There are serval ways to do that. I will show you how to do it with a PowerShell script directly on the Pc.
When you boot up a new pc into Windows 11, you will see the setup Gui below.

Press “Shift + F10” to open a command prompt
Type “powershell.exe” -> Press Enter
Type “Set-ExecutionPolicy Remotesigned” -> Press Enter
Type “Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo -force” -> Press Enter
Type “Y” -> Press Enter

Type “Get-WindowsAutopilotInfo.ps1 -GroupTag “Office” -Online -Assign” -> Press Enter
Sigin with your microsoft account
Enter your Password
If it is the first time you add a device to intune, it requires that you login with a “Global Administrstor”. Because you will have to consent an enterprise app in AzureAD.
The permissions stay. Any subsequent logins won’t be prompted for consent.
It will take some time to registrere it. So be patient.
When it is done it will look like this.
Type “ShutDown /r /t 0” -> Press Enter
This will reboot the pc and boot up to sign in and start the enrollment.
In Intune portal click:
Devices -> Windows -> Windows Enrollment -> Devices
You should now see that the pc has been added to Intune. Group tag “Office” and the profile assigned


When you boot up the pc after it has been added to the tenant or windows is reinstalled on a pc that is already in the tenant, the enrollment process will start.

Choose your contry -> Click Yes
Windows will check for updates and reboot if any.
Enter your email -> Click Next
ENter your password -> Click Sign in
Preparing the device
Setting up the device
Configuring the account
Click OK
Enter a PIN
Click OK

Continue to part 4 (Basic settings)


By Claus