Microsoft Edge is the default browser in Windows 10. You can change that and apply the setting during OSD. Here is how.

1. Login to a reference machine.

2. Go to All Settings –> System –> Default Apps

3. Click on “Microsoft Edge” under Web browser and click in “Internet Explorer”


Note: You can also make settings for other default apps, as we will export default settings for all apps.

4. Create a folder called “DefaultApps” on the C drive.

4. Open a CMD as Administrator

5. Type: Dism.exe /online /Export-DefaultAppAssociations:C:\DefaultApps\DefaultApps.xml. This will create a “DefaultApps.xml” in the folder that you created in step 4

6. Create a “DefaultApps.cmd” and add “Dism.exe /online /Import-DefaultAppAssociations:%~dp0Defaultapps.xml” and save it in the folder that you created in step 4.

7. Create a package in SCCM and copy “DefaultApps.xml” and “DefaultApps.cmd” to it.

8. Create a “Run Command Line” step in your task sequence and run the “DefaultApps.cmd”. Make sure that you add the step after “Setup Windows and Configuration Manager”. Because then the task sequence is running in Windows.


That’s it.


By Claus