To collect registry keys from a client, you will need to expand the hardware inventory. You can do that the following way:

  1. Download RegKeyToMof from Technet gallery
  2. Create the registry keys that you want to collect
  1. Start RegKeyToMof on the pc/server where you created the registry keys
  1. Browse to the registry key that you have created and mark them. Make sure that RegKeyToMof have the following selected.
  1. Click Save MOF and browse to a location where you want to save save the mof file. the file wall be called SMSdef.mof. You can rename it if you want.
  1. Copy the text in RegKeyToMof.
  1. Browse to %/Microsoft Configuration Manager/inboxes/clifiles.src/hinv and open configuration.mof in Notepad.
    A good idea it to make a backup of the file before you edit it.
  1. Scroll to the bottom of the document and past the clipart text after the section //Added extensions start. And save the file.
  1. Open the SCCM console and browse to Administration -> Client Settings -> Right click and choose properties on Default Client Settings
  1. Click Hardware Inventory -> click Set Classes
  1. Click Import -> browse to the mof file -> click Open
  1. Click Import
  1. Select WaaS and click OK
  1. Click OK to the default settings
  1. Go to one of you client and initiate a Machine policy retrivel. After that the new rergistry key will be collected next time the hardware inventory runs.


By Claus