To collect registry keys from a client, you will need to expand the hardware inventory. You can do that the following way:
- Download RegKeyToMof from Technet gallery
- Create the registry keys that you want to collect
- Start RegKeyToMof on the pc/server where you created the registry keys
- Browse to the registry key that you have created and mark them. Make sure that RegKeyToMof have the following selected.
- Click Save MOF and browse to a location where you want to save save the mof file. the file wall be called SMSdef.mof. You can rename it if you want.
- Copy the text in RegKeyToMof.
- Browse to %/Microsoft Configuration Manager/inboxes/clifiles.src/hinv and open configuration.mof in Notepad.
A good idea it to make a backup of the file before you edit it.
- Scroll to the bottom of the document and past the clipart text after the section //Added extensions start. And save the file.
- Open the SCCM console and browse to Administration -> Client Settings -> Right click and choose properties on Default Client Settings
- Click Hardware Inventory -> click Set Classes
- Click Import -> browse to the mof file -> click Open
- Click Import
- Select WaaS and click OK
- Click OK to the default settings
- Go to one of you client and initiate a Machine policy retrivel. After that the new rergistry key will be collected next time the hardware inventory runs.